Specific Award Eligibility Requirements

The Carbonell Award process has been revised by the board of directors with input from the community. The new process for the 2021-2022 eligibility period is outlined below.


  • Any actor who wins a Carbonell Award may not be re-nominated for the same role (in any production) for a period of five years after the final performance of the production for which he/she won the award.
  • No production or any part of it may be nominated, or re-nominated, if the show is “substantially” a reprise of an earlier production, or transfer from another theater, for a period of five years after the final performance of the production. Consideration will be given for a material change from a previous production.
  • Individual actors and designers may be considered eligible at the discretion of the Carbonell administration.


  • MULTIPLE CASTING (using The Odd Couple as an example)
    • If two actors cast as Felix and Oscar alternate roles at different performances, an actor will be eligible for consideration for only the role which he plays on the press opening night.  
    • If two or more actors are cast as Felix to alternate performances throughout the run while the rest of the cast remains the same, both actors will be considered and, if entered into award nomination, the two jointly share the award should it win. 
    • If an actor is cast as Felix and later replaced after opening night, only the actor who appeared in the role on the press opening night will be considered for nomination. 
    • The determination of featured and supporting is made by the producer by completing a production questionnaire and returning it to the Carbonell Coordinator no less than 30 days prior to the opening night.  In the absence of clear direction from the producing company, the judging panel will review precedents from prior productions of the work and its own judgment. Theaters are required to provide the Carbonell administration with a breakdown of featured and supporting categories for its productions.


  • The Carbonell operative definition is “outstanding production” including all components, not merely the script. Hence, anthologies and/or collections of one-acts presented as a single ticketed production qualify for nomination as “Outstanding Production of a Play/or Musical.”
  • The “Outstanding Production” award is presented to the lead producer or producing theater.


  • A “new work’ must have its world premiere as a full production.
  • Productions of succeeding drafts are ineligible, though productions of scripts previously workshopped may be eligible, after examination of the production history.
  • New works presented without being defined as a world premiere by the playwright/ presenting theater will not be eligible for “Best New Work” consideration.
  • The “Best New Work” Award is presented to the author.


  • The Artistic Specialty category shall be defined as recognition for exceptional achievement in an area of theatrical expertise not already recognized by another award category. Eligibility will be at the discretion of the judging panel.  Producers will provide the Carbonell administration with a breakdown of Specialty elements they wish to be considered for its productions in the pre-production questionnaire. Specialty elements may include, but not limited to, video/projections, puppetry, wig design, makeup, fight choreography, special effects, and illusions.
  • The nominee(s) and personnel instrumental in executing the work during the performance, if any, must have received compensation for their recognized work above and beyond reimbursable expenses (including commuting and other travel costs) as well as recognition in the program.


  • Any company wishing to appeal the designated eligibility of one of its productions may do so to the Carbonell Coordinator who will review the appeal with the board of directors or its representatives assigned for such a purpose.