The Carbonell Award process has been revised by the board of directors with input from the community. The new process for the 2021-2022 eligibility period is outlined below.
A South Florida resident (regional) theater or production company located in Miami-Dade, Broward, or Palm Beach counties, in which all essential artistic personnel including performers and all creative and technical personnel responsible for the production and presentation of the performance receive compensation above and beyond reimbursable expenses (including commuting and other travel costs). An eligible resident theater may utilize unpaid volunteers as long as those volunteers are (a) not required to financially contribute to the theater or production to be involved or required to involuntarily turn earnings back to the theater and/or (b) not engaged to perform a role or function designated in the licensed script. Volunteers may be engaged to perform non-essential roles not referenced in the licensed script, i.e. a children’s chorus that is added by the creative staff but is not required in the licensed script and/or as understudies or swings as described in the Producer Requirements.
Eligible theaters or production companies must provide 7 pairs of complimentary tickets to the Carbonell judges assigned to evaluate each of their eligible productions.
Every theater and/or independent production applying to be judged for Carbonell eligibility will be evaluated by the Carbonell Awards Inc. board of directors or its representatives prior to, or during, every season as conditions warrant.
Any company wishing to appeal its designated eligibility status may do so to the Carbonell Coordinator who will review the appeal with the board of directors or its representatives.