2017 Season

42nd Annual Carbonell Awards

Presented by: Carbonell Awards, Inc.
Produced & Directed by:  Kevin Black
Production Stage Manager: Amy Rauchwerger
Assistant Stage Manager: Katie Ellison
Music Director:  Caryl Fantel
Set Designer: Jerry Sturdefant

Held:  April 2, 2018; Broward Center for the Performing Arts, Amaturo Theater

Attendance: Sold Out / 600 Capacity

Below is a complete list of this year’s Carbonell Award winners, followed by a breakdown of the awards by county, theater and production.


BestNewWorkGoldbergVariationsStuartMeltzerBest New Work (play or musical)
Broken Snow by Ben Andron, JCAT
Finding Mona Lisa by Michael McKeever, Actors’ Playhouse
The Camp by Michael McKeever, West Boca Theatre
*** The Goldberg Variations by Stuart Meltzer, Island City Stage
¡FUÁCATA!, by Elena Maria Garcia & Stuart Meltzer, Zoetic Stage 

BestProductionofaPlayKingsofHarlemBest Production of a Play
The Caretaker, Zoetic Stage
*** Kings of Harlem, M Ensemble
The Humans, GableStage
Arcadia, Palm Beach Dramaworks
Topdog/Underdog, Zoetic Stage

BestDirectorPlayLayonGrayBest Director/Play
Joseph Adler, The Humans, GableStage
J. Barry Lewis, Arcadia, Palm Beach Dramaworks
Stuart Meltzer, The Caretaker, Zoetic Stage
John Rodaz, An Octaroon, Area Stage
*** Layon Gray, Kings of Harlem, M Ensemble

BestActorPlayDavidKwiatCaretakerBest Actor/Play
Clay Cartland, The Legend of Georgia McBride, GableStage
*** David Kwait, The Caretaker, Zoetic Stage
Gregg Weiner, The Good Thief, Ground Up & Rising
Markenson Charles, Topdog/Underdog, Zoetic Stage
Nicholas Richberg, Billy and Me, Palm Beach Dramaworks

BestActressPlayNikiFridhGroundedBest Actress/Play
Rita Joe, Brothers of the Dust, M Ensemble
Anne-Marie Cusson, Collected Stories, Palm Beach Dramaworks
Elena Maria Garcia, ¡FUÁCATA!, Zoetic Stage
Karen Stephens, Motherland, Theatre Lab
*** Niki Fridh, Grounded, Thinking Cap Theatre

bestSupportingActorPlayAndreyGaineyBest Supporting Actor/Play
Kevin Reilley, Twelfth Night, New City Players
*** Andre L. Gainey, Kings of Harlem, M Ensemble
Sean Patrick Doyle, The Legend of Georgia McBride, GableStage
Tom Wahl, The Legend of Georgia McBride, GableStage
John Manzelli, The Goldberg Variations, Island City Stage

BestSupActreePlayCarolynJOhnsonFlyinWestBest Supporting Actress/Play
*** Carolyn Johnson, Flyin’ West, M Ensemble
Elizabeth Dimon, The Humans, GableStage
Jeni Hacker, The Camp, West Boca Theatre
Meredith Bartmon, The Humans, GableStage
Niki Fridh, Most Wanted, Theatre Lab

BestProductionMusicalSundayParkGeorgeZoeticBest Production of a Musical
Sweeney Todd, Palm Beach Dramaworks
Newsies, Maltz Jupiter Theatre
Gypsy, Maltz Jupiter Theatre
*** Sunday in the Park with George, Zoetic Stage
The Drowsy Chaperone, The Wick Theatre


BestDirectorMusicalCliveCholertonBest Director/Musical
Marcos Santana, Newsies, Maltz Jupiter Theatre
*** Clive Cholerton, Sweeney Todd, Palm Beach Dramaworks
Patrick Fitzwater, The Secret Garden, Slow Burn Theatre
Dom Ruggiero, The Drowsy Chaperone, The Wick Theatre
Stuart Meltzer, Sunday in the Park with George, Zoetic Stage


BestActorMusicalShaneTannerBest Actor/Musical
Bruce Linser, The Drowsy Chaperone, The Wick Theatre
Michael Ursua, The Secret Garden, Slow Burn Theatre
Michael Ursua, La Cage Aux Folles, MNM Productions
*** Shane Tanner, Sweeney Todd, Palm Beach Dramaworks
Cooper Grodin, Sunday in the Park with George, Zoetic Stage

BestActressMusicalSarahGracelBest Actress/Musical
Cindy Pearce, It Shoulda Been You, Actors’ Playhouse
Vicki Lewis, Gypsy, Maltz Jupiter Theatre
Julie Kleiner, She Loves Me, The Wick Theatre
Mallory Newbrough, Beauty and the Beast, The Wick Theatre
*** Sarah Gracel, Dreamgirls, Broward Stage Door

BestSupActorElijahWordBest Supporting Actor/Musical
Andrew Schultz, Spamalot, MNM Productions
Conor Walton, It Shoulda Been You, Actors’ Playhouse
*** Elijah Word, Dreamgirls, Broward Stage Door
Jim Ballard, Little Shop of Horrors, MNM Productions
Jim Ballard, Sweeney Todd, Palm Beach Dramaworks

BestSupActressMalloryNewbroughBeehiveBest Supporting Actress/Musical
Amy Miller Brennan, Aida, Slow Burn Theatre
Kat Gold, Nine, Broward Stage Door
Laura Hodos, The Drowsy Chaperone, The Wick Theatre
Anne Chamberlain, The Secret Garden, Slow Burn Theatre
*** Mallory Newbrough, Beehive, The Wick Theatre

BestMusicalDirectorEricAlsfordMusical Direction
Brad Simmons, The Secret Garden, Slow Burn Theatre
Emmanuel Schvartzmann, Sweeney Todd, Palm Beach Dramaworks
Caryl Fantel, Beehive, The Wick Theatre
*** Eric Alsford, Sunday in the Park with George, Zoetic Stage
Andrew David Sotomayor, Newsies, Maltz Jupiter Theatre

*** Al Blackstone, Newsies, Maltz Jupiter Theatre
Ron Hutchins, Evita, Actors’ Playhouse
Marcia Milgrom Dodge, Gypsy, Maltz Jupiter Theatre
Lindsay Bell, The Drowsy Chaperone, The Wick Theatre
Shea Sullivan, The Producers, Maltz Jupiter Theatre

BestScenicDesignMichaelMcClainBest Scenic Design/play or musical
 Michael Ost, Kings of Harlem, M Ensemble
J.C. Rodriguez, An Octaroon, Area Stage
Anne Mundell, Born Yesterday, Maltz Jupiter Theatre
*** Michael McClain, The Caretaker, Zoetic Stage
Kent Barrett, Motherland, Theatre Lab

BestLightingTomShorrockBest Lighting Design/play or musical
Donald Edmund Thomas, Arcadia, Palm Beach Dramaworks
Rebecca Montero, The Caretaker, Zoetic Stage
Rebecca Montero, Sunday in the Park with George, Zoetic Stage
*** Thomas Shorrock, The Secret Garden, Slow Burn Theatre
Thomas Shorrock, Titanic, Slow Burn Theatre

BestCostDesignAngelinaEsposito REVISEDBest Costume Design/play or musical
Ellis Tillman, The Legend of Georgia McBride, GableStage
*** Angelina Esposito, Sunday in the Park with George, Zoetic Stage
Nicole Stodard, Lizzie the Musical, Thinking Cap Theatre
Brian O’Keefe, Sweeney Todd, Palm Beach Dramaworks
Rick Pena, The Secret Garden, Slow Burn Theatre

BestSoundAntonChurchFuacataBest Sound Design/play or musical
Matt Corey, Collected Stories, Palm Beach Dramaworks
*** Anton Church, ¡FUÁCATA!,  Zoetic Stage
Matt Corey, The Legend of Georgia McBride, GableStage
Nicole Stodard, Grounded, Thinking Cap Theatre
Stuart Meltzer, The Caretaker, Zoetic Stage

BestEnsembleKingsofHarlemBest Ensemble Production (play or musical)
*** Kings of Harlem, M Ensemble
Finding Mona Lisa, Actors’ Playhouse
Collective Rage, Thinking Cap Theatre
Straight White Men, Thinking Cap Theatre
Lizzie the Musical, Thinking Cap Theatre